Our Store

It is with great pride and pleasure that we announce the opening of our new 4,000 square foot retail outlet! We are located at 1251 Cobblestone Way in Woodstock, right behind Woodstock Harley-Davidson’s new location.

A building with a sign that says valley on it

Our store features displays of lumber in racks conducive to individual selection, so you can find the perfect pieces for your project. We also display flitch-cut lumber in log-sawn order so you can select perfectly matched pieces!

Whether you are looking for 4/4, 5/4, or 6/4 boards, or 8/4, 10/4, or 12/4 slabs, we want to be your go-to store. Of course, our inventory will vary based upon what customers have purchased already and what size and species we are cutting and kilning at any given time – but we carry as broad a variety as we can – of as many sizes and species as possible.

We have also entered into partnerships with some of the industry leaders in woodworking supplies – including Titebond® for glues and adhesives, Mirka for sanders and abrasives, Sansin for environmentally-friendly low- to zero-VOC stains, Freud™ for saw blades and router bits, Timbermate for wood filler, and Laguna Tools for some of the best power tools on the market. For more information about these top-of-the-line tools and supplies, CLICK HERE, or on any of the logos, below.

A warehouse filled with lots of wooden boards.
A logo for titebond the pro 's advantage
A black and yellow logo for mirka on a yellow background
A sansin logo with a drop of liquid on top of a piece of wood.
A red freud logo on a white background
The timber mate water based woodfiller is a non shrinking water based woodfiller.
The logo for laguna tools is shown on a white background


In the early stages of forming our company, hobbyists and woodworking professionals alike were captivated by what some may consider cast-off, or unmarketable pieces. What others may have seen as throw-away pieces, those who have toured our mill have persuaded us to put these pieces on display in our Designer Corner – showing off their unique characteristics, and their unusual shapes and forms. And that turned out to be a good call. We have been experiencing a crazy level of interest in these unique pieces. So – when a perfect, uniform piece just won’t do – come on in and check out our new Designer Corner!

Whether you are looking for hardwood boards for furniture or cabinetry, slabs for a tabletop, bar top, countertop, desk or mantle, or unique one-of-a-kind pieces from our Designer Corner – we’re sure that we will be able to accommodate your needs.

A bunch of wood pieces are lined up against a brick wall


It’s true – we just opened our retail store, and we’re looking to expand already!

We are so grateful to the woodworkers, hobbyists, cabinet makers and furniture builders in Northern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin and beyond for all the word-of-mouth advertising and all of the orders and pre-orders we’ve received – we’re looking to double our retail store from 4,000 square feet up to 8,000 square feet in the very near future.

At that time, we’ll also add a Consignment Corner – where our customers can offer finished furniture for sale. If you just want to show off your finished projects (but not sell them), that’s okay, too! In the meantime, send us a photo or two of your piece(s), and we’ll post them online, on either our Consignment Corner or Show Us Your Stuff pages.

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